Friday, December 5, 2008

Daily Portrait #8

Whoah. Whoah. See what I did there? The goatee is gone. I kinda preferred it now that I think about it. :/

Blogger went down in the middle of the night when I was about to post the daily yesterday. Hence, the lack of photo-ness, it was a good one too. Oh, well. Wordpress will solve all my problems. Wordpress 2.7 came out today! Hooray!

Also: @thedevonaire has acquired a new domain for a for-now top=secret wiki, and there's a possibility for a Vlog to go with it, that I would be producing. Exciting!

Until next time,

~Photoshop Hero

Santa 2.0

This is my entry for Gizmodo's "Upgrade Santa Photoshop Contest". That's o' Saint Nick cruisin' a modified Tesla, outfitted with Back-to-the-Future flight wheels, pulled by some podracer rockets. He's got a sexy co-pilot (a T-mobile G1) so he can find all the kiddies using Google Maps. Took about 2 hours and a screwdriver. :D Hope everyone enjoys and Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Moving to WordPress

This just in! Photoshop Hero might/be probably is going to be moving to Wordpress instead of Blogger. Might not even keep the name. But maybe this thought is just a flash in the pan. Keeping you on your toes. o_0

Daily Portrait #7

I've reached one week of daily portraits! Huzzah.
Now for more photoshop stuff.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Daily Portrait #6

Just one of those days I guess.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Daily Portrait #5

I'm a cheeky bastard.

Video Entry #1 -Driving back from SLO

A short clip of my brothers and I driving back from San Luis Obispo. I totally forgot to get a daily portrait up yesterday so I hope this will suffice!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Daily Portrait #4

Hungover face ready-set-blehhhhhh.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Daily Portrait #3

Thinking very carefully what I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Daily Portrait #2

Moving at the speed of ideas. It's raining in SoCal.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Daily portrait

I'm going to start posting a daily portrait/snapshot from my phone everyday. So wether I'm feeling dashingly handsome or disgustingly horrible there will be a new portrait everyday. This is how I'm going to get comfortable with the idea of changing the format of this blog to include video. Here it is!

Monday, November 24, 2008


I'm not really a fan of brushes in Photoshop, as I prefer a more hands-on approach to making art from scratch or from photographs, but I could not ignore the usefulness of this link. Here's 50 totally free brushes for modern design trends, encompassing everything from grunge and industrial to mother nature loving goodness.

From 50 Free Photoshop Brushes

Friday, November 7, 2008

New Macbook Pro Hands-On Review

Well, it seems I haven't got a whole lot to write about (at least until later tonight). But I stepped into the Apple store today to get my hands on the latest iteration of the Macbook line. I laughed, I cried, I was touched, but I have my criticisms.

!) Amazingly solid and lightweight construction, feels totally solid.
2) Everything plugs into the left side, which is very neat and tidy.
3) Easy access to the hard drive and battery, this is much improved.
4) The trackpad is super smooth, and the new gestures are very useful, albeit may take a while to get used to using.

!) Glosssy black border around the screen. It almost feels as if there's some plastic coating on there that is meant to be removed when you get it out of the box. it gives way a little bit and doesn't feel quite attached to the bezel. Being someone who uses a mac for professional purposes I feel that this is important. Having a glossy black bevel will make colors look more vibrant than they actually are. This is an optical illusion and this change represents a demographic shift from professionals to the high-end casual consumer. Also the standard Macbook's screen has never impressed me, the vertical viewing angle is sub-par.
2) The click button also being the trackpad is neat, but it's attached at the top, so I was a little confused originally when I moved the mouse up and attempted to click, and just got resistance. I later realized that it is meant to operate more like the old one, but have no seam.
3) No firewire 400. But hey, movin' on up in the world and goin to 800 is the thing to do. An Apple-made 800-400 converter that is very slim AND cheap would be a great way to keep everyone happy I think.

WTFs: There's really big rubber standoffs on the bottom. They curve nicely into the body but their diameter seems unnecessarily large, so that it looks a little odd.

Overall it's great, I kinda wish I waited one more year to get one. However, I'd have to say that I still prefer the old keyboard, not aesthetically though, and I prefer my bezel that makes colors look more accurate (it also is easier on my eyes because I have astigmatism). My older revision Macbook Pro is very solid though, I was happy to have waited until they ironed out problems from the first-gen models, and beef'd up the graphic processor. I'm still choking on having only 128mb of texture memory though. But Hey, if you're a pro you should'nt be using it for games anyway right.

"Saving the world, one image at a time."
~Photoshop Hero

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Somebody beat me to it.

Somebody beat me to it. Well played, and certainly not a trap.

Image courtesy of flickr.

I fear for my gender.

Sometimes I like to rant about things. Sometimes Mr. Blurrycam strikes. Sometimes I manage to pull off a decent spy shot with my cameraphone (the LG Voyager has an awful camera).

On my way to work this morning I noticed a peculiar sticker unlike the usual political stickers brandished proudly on rear windows. I'm pretty sure this guy didn't put the sticker there, or he's being forced to have it displayed on his vehicle.

I was thinking to myself why the guy would have such a sticker, and here's the possibliities I came up with:

1) His wife has got him totally whipped, and she put the sticker there, probably giggling as she peeled the adhesive backing off.
2) He for some reason is in a very serious public relationship that must be broadcasted to bumper-to-bumper traffic.
3) She bought him the car.

Now in such a case as number 3. I thought that if this were me, or any other self-respecting man, (hopefully with a man's car, it would look something like this.

Way to go John!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Just found this. Forgot I made it.

Advanced Photshop Magazine, for professionals, blows minds.

I went into Barnes & Noble today to kill a few minutes and I happened stumble upon the plethora of Photoshop and art-oriented magazines. Having seen a few issues of the Before & After (kinda boring, but informative and detailed) I was stoked and began flipping through. I'd have to say, it's got some incredible artwork in there, along with tutorials and articles from the pros. Made for a nice brush-up on retouching and contemporary Apple-stylized compositions. The website is at

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My room is Awesome.

I just mounted my HDTV along with the media center remote receiver. Needless to say my room is a stellar place to chill and watch all kinds of media and listen to music and just generally be distracted by anything and everything. I'm really stoked for the weekend, as ususal. :D

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Electric sheep makes stunning visuals, androids plot psychidelic revolution, dude.

I was introduced to a wonderful screen saver called Electric Sheep which uses an xml-based genome to create fractal renderings. These fractal renderings can be 'bred' together to create new ones, they even slowly mutate over time. From Wikipedia: "The name "Electric Sheep" is taken from the title of Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. The title mirrors the nature of the project: computers (androids) who have started running the screensaver begin rendering (dreaming) the fractal movies (sheep)."

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pot o' chili

My chili will kick your chili's ass.

'nuff said.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What they're REALLY doing at CERN

I think we all knew this was coming.

The LHC does some pretty remarkable things, being a series of super conductive rings. Will CERN to be chartering trips off-world in an attempt to oust Virgin Galactic as the premiere agency for space travel and tourism? You be the judge.